Products are shipped from the UAE or the UK. Delivery time will depend on where the product is shipped from. Information about this is available on the individual product page.
Customers are responsible for their own customs charges (payable in cash at delivery), which is approximately 5% for import tax (when the value of your purchase is above 299 AED) and 5% for duties of the invoice value. These charges are not included in the invoice payment. Import tax is calculated on the duty inclusive amount.
Products are shipped from the UAE or the UK. Delivery time will depend on where the product is shipped from. Information about this is available on the individual product page.
Customers are responsible for their own customs charges (payable in cash at delivery) when the value of your purchase is above 976 AED and is approximately 15% for import tax and 5% for duties of the invoice value. These charges are not included in the invoice payment. Import tax is calculated on the duty inclusive amount.